The Associated Press is reporting that a division of the Florida Workforce Program issued capes to unemployed people in order to connect with the community. State director Cynthia Lorenzo was quoted as stating the approximately $14,000 spent on the capes was “insensitive and wasteful.”

The Orlando Sentinel first broke the story after an intense investigation into the matter. Apparently, the situation was first brought to light after several people began applying for reporter positions with the paper wearing their capes and wanting to work with “Lois and Jimmy.”

Many people throughout the Orlando area have been the recipients of deeds performed by the heroes. Just last Sunday, Myra Tesbacher of Orlando had her cat returned to her which was reported missing over three months ago. “Ah heard a knock on the door about mid-way through Double Jeopardy. So’s I got up and went to answer the door. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door and there stood an honest to goodness superhero! He was holding a bottle of Mad Dog in one hand; smoking a Philly Blunt; and in his other hand was my Mittens. Mittens was deader than a door nail. Apparently, that dog next door had kilt him and buried mah baby next to the Huxtable’s petunias. Yet this young man had taken the time out of his busy schedule to bring Mittens home.” She then stated that before leaving, the “Hero” urinated on her flowerbed and then proceeded to rifle through her garbage looking for snacks.