Padou Times

Tighter Than A Triple Crown Weave!

Bin Laden Dead

The Eagle rose up this week and finally popped a cap in Bin Laden’s ass – actually it was around three caps. This ended an almost ten-year manhunt for the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist group and mastermind behind the 09/11 attacks on our country.

While initial reports from around the globe were congratulating us for finally taking out this scourge of humanity; as more of the details emerged, some world leaders condemned the U.S. for the way the mission was performed.

Some have commented that we basically invaded the sovereignty of another country unjustly when we entered Pakistan. Others have commented that we killed him and his people in cold blood due to reports that Bin Laden and his people were unarmed. Still others stated that he should have been brought to trial in a world court. Why there have even been questions as to why we did not consult with the U.N. before engaging in the mission.

We here at the Padou Times have an answer for all of these people that questioned our nation’s actions. First off, it appears that the Pakistani government was notified and approved of the mission. And the millions of dollars we send them each year are payment enough for letting us fly in and have target practice.

Second, why would we want to put this jackass on trial? Our guys just saved everyone from having to listen to Nancy Grace dissect each day of the trial’s proceedings. Besides, no one in this country really likes being called for jury duty.

Third, ask the U.N.? Are you freaking kidding us? These are the same people which are actually debating whether or not to give trees, plants, and mother earth, the same rights as humans! And I thought my dog had a lot of time on her hands when I realized she spends half the day laid out in the yard licking herself.

Finally, and this is the important part. Remember why we went and executed this scum. He was responsible for killing thousands of our people throughout the years. I am pretty sure that no one on any of those flights that crashed on 09/11 was armed with machine guns. Unlike Bin Laden, those killed on 09/11 were innocent pawns in the game of terrorism. You would think that the world would understand by now. You don’t screw with the United States of America. We may let you knock us around a couple of times, but in the end we are going to kick your ass. If you don’t like it then take your pansy ass to another country. Yeah, it took us longer than normal to get the guy, but in the end we got him.

Bin Laden was an evil person and deserved to die. Perhaps those world leaders would have a different opinion if it had been their family members on those planes so many years ago.


  1. 100% AGREE!!!

    • Thumper

      2011.08.16 at 22:48

      Why thank you Redfish! Be sure to check out our upcoming investigative series: The Hazards Of Fishin’ Nekkid!

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